Webcie – maintenance and testing

We are currently in the process of testing our website with upgraded versions of the software that we depend upon. During weekends, we test the live site to find any errors that may occur due to normal site usage. You may notice errors or unexpected behaviour. If you happen to find any bugs, please report them to webcie@vdwaals.nl. We apologize for any inconvenience. Best regards, the Webcie.

During the exam weeks, three online activities will be hosted:

  • A drink, on Tuesday 23-06
  • A break activity, on Wednesday 01-07
  • A drink, on Friday 03-07

Subscriptions for all three activities are opened! Further details can be found in the descriptions of the activities.

For each activity, a maximum of 30 participants is in effect*. For the drinks, we aim to let as many distinct people join as possible, so the drawing of lots for the two will be intertwined. The drawing of lots for the break activity will be separately, as this will be a very different activity.

*In the TU/e corona update, it stated that on-campus activities with 100 people are possible as of July 1. However, in order for that to happen, a revised protocol has to be approved first. It is by no means sure that this will be approved before the 1st of July. This is why we still count on 30 people for the activities on the 1st and 3rd of July. We expect to host activities for larger groups during the summer break, but we’ll keep you updated on this.

The registration for intro-parents is open! Of course this intro week will be a bit different from previous years due to corona, but you are still needed! The intro week will be from August 17 till the 21st. The week consists of 2 offline days and 3 online days (on the last online day, presence of the intro parents is not required). It is compulsory for the intro-parents to attend a meeting on the 15th of August. You have to subscribe together as a father and mother (gender is of no consequence). Although there were some rumors about one of the intro-parents being a student mentor as well, this is no longer required. You can subscribe here!

Update: we have decided that whether or not you are a parent in the intro of 2020, will not be taken into account when drawing lots for the intro’s of the coming years after 2020.

Update: if you cannot attend the intro parent instruction day on August 15, this is accepted provided the other parent will attend.

The meeting documents for the General assembly (GA) dated 21-04-2020 can also be found on the website. Log in, go to For members > GA.

The municipality Eindhoven has changed regulations about student housing a couple of times in the past years. This can make the exact rules that apply to your studenthouse unclear. DAS composed a document with more information on this. Using this information you can check whether your own house meets the requirements of the municipality. The document can be found here.

The book sale for Q4 has started. You can order your books via https://tue.itdepartment.nl/en/. The collective order period (in which you receive an an additional discount) is until April 28. If you have any questions or encouter problems, please send a mail to study@vdwaals.nl.

D.J. Griffiths, Introduction to Electrodynamics has been added to the booklist of StudyStore, because that course is also taught in Q4 this year.

Welcome to the new website of SVTN “J.D. van der Waals”! The old one is still available for some time at old.vdwaals.nl. If you experience problems or detect a bug, please notify the Webcie via website.webcie@vdwaals.nl.

To login, use your full name or email address as username, and request a new password. You will receive a mail with a link to set a new password.