
10 meter slow cycling – Luc van Burik – 64.3 seconds

Cycling 10 meter as slow as possible with a bike that only has a backpedal break and no gears. The entire width of the road (3 meters) can be used. The ground cannot be touched with your feet. The distance is counted as 10 meters from front wheel till front wheel. This record has been set on the beat the records activity at 1-5-2023.

Highest house of cards – Thijs Viersen – 6 floors high

Try to build a house of cards of as many floors as possible within 10 minutes. Cards have to stand on their short side and a triangle counts as a floor.

Chugging 1 liter of water – Viktor van Bilsen – 9.5 seconds

Try to chug a liter of water as fast as possible. The time starts as soon as the challenger lifts the glass and stops when the empty glass touches the bar again. This record has been said on the beat the records activty on 1-5-2023. The previous record has been set by a certain old board member and did this in 10.2 seconds, beating an even older record of 16.6 seconds.

Chugging 0.5 liters of beer – Rowan Muller – 3.5 seconds

Try to chug 0.5 liters of beer as fast as possible. The time starts as soon as the challenger lifts the glass and stops when the empty glass touches the bar again. The records was during the activity of the Van-der-Waals fraternity in formation P.E.N.T.A. on the 11th of March 2013

Chugging 1 liter of beer – Pim Keizer – 11.5 seconds

The same challenge of 0.5 liters. The records was set at the Hawking Oktoberfest of 2018 (October 8). This yields a volumetric flow rate of a 86.96 mL/s. Luckily, a bucket was put in place very quickly (thanks Mathijs).

People in a bubble bath – First Years Weekend 2009 – 47

On the 13th of September 2009, the Sunday of the first years weekend, a new record was created in the bubble bath. A few board members of Focus, some kandis, sjaarzen, children and two men were present amongst the bubles during this joyful ocasion

Cleaning up the Borrel – Multiple people – 19:47 B.T.

Finishing the cleaning up after a regular thursday Borrel as soon as possible.

The record has been set on the 4th of January 2024 by Tom Sparidans (old tender), Luc van Burik (tender), Danny Vogels (tender), Metten de Lange (old tender), Vincent Dekkers (tender), Tim de Hoogen (tender), Bas van Dijck (tender), Thijs Vernooij (tender), Ralph den Boer, Gin Sanches, Vera Holtmark van Dijkerhof, Floris Widdershoven, Eryk Gruszecki and Daphne Persoons. With a time of 19:47 B.T.

The previous record had been set on the 28th of Juli 2022 with a time of 19:58 BT.

Decimals of Pi – Fe Fan Li – 265 decimals

Naming as many decimals of Pi by heart. The record has been set on the 9th of March 2020

Marshmellows – Rob old board member 2007-2008 – 40 marshmellows

Try to put as many marshmellows in your mouth. The marshmellows are not allowed to be swallowed and as soon as marshmellows start to fall out of the mouth they have to be pushed back in. The record was set on the 9th of October 2007

Easter eggs – Danny Vogels – 27 chocolate Easter eggs

Try to put as many chocolate Easter eggs in your mouth. The chocolate Easter eggs are not allowed to be swallowed and as soon as chocolate Easter eggs start to fall out of the mouth they have to be pushed back in. The record is needed to be set while at an Easter brunch. The record was set on the 24th of April 2023. The previous records was held by Bas van Dijck with 21 Easter eggs and Thijs de Gijsel with 19 Easter eggs.

Handstand – Laura Pennekamp – 0:02:39,3 hours

Make a handstand where a wall can be used as support. The time starts as soon as the challenger stands on his hands. This record was set at the beat the records activity on the 1th of may 2023. The previous records was set on the 3rd of December 2007 by Frank Jehoel, at 0:02:36 hours.

Keepie Uppie

Try to touch the ball as many times as possible without using hands or clamping the ball. As soon as the ball touches another object of the floor, counting is stopped.

Name# keepie uppiesDate
Jan Schoof15228-10-2010
Thomas-Jan van Raaij15625-03-2020
Thomas Kok20025-03-2020
Thomas-Jan van Raaij290*25-03-2020
Thomas Kok45226-03-2020
Thomas-Jan van Raaij460**26-03-2020
Thomas Kok202028-03-2020
Thomas-Jan van Raaij220617-04-2020

*Including an around-the-world every 50th keepie uppie
**Performed while wearing tight jeans

Not blinking – Alex Zwanenburg – 0:05:33 hours

Not blinking for as long as possible. As soon as the observer sees a blink, the counting is stopped. The record has been set on the 3rd of December 2007

Holding your breath – Allard van Belois – 0:03:58 hours

Try to stay with your head underwater for as long as possible. As soon as the challenger can take a breath again, the counting stops. The record has been set on the beat the records activity on the 1th of may 2023. Breaking his own record of 03:14 hours.

Garland of clothes – Multiple people – 22.76 meters

Make a garland of clothes that is as long as possible. The clothes can be taken apart but cannot be torn. In addition, the garlan has to be one piece which means that the clothes have to be connected without the use of any tools. The record has been set on the 3rd of December 2007 by Marijn Kemper, Frank Jehoel, Geert va nden Burg and Martin van Mourik.

Throwing eggs – Vincent Dekkers and Arjan Rijkens – 42.2 meters

Try to play catch with a raw egg for as long a distance as possible. The egg has to be thrown by one person and caught by another. Tools cannot be used. If the egg breaks than the record is invalid. The record has been broken 4 times on the beat the records activity (1-5-2023) with this attempt being the longest distance. Shattering the previous record held by Aart Ligthart and Kim Alards, who set this record at 26.3 meters.

Standing on one leg – René Joosten – 0:42:19 hours

Try to stand on one leg for as long as possible. It can be either the left or the right leg and the foot of the used leg is not allowed to move. In addition any other bodyparts are not allowed to be in contact with any other objects, people or the floor. The records has been set on the 3rd of December 2007.

Finishing GA minutes – Gin Sanches – 1 minute 11 seconds after closing GA

Finish the minutes of the GA, but without having them checked by any other board members. The time as counted from the moment of closing the GA. The record was set on the 20th of June. The minutes are of the first GA to approve the new articles of association, which lasted 7 minutes. The previous record has been set on the 20th of April 2021. The minutes are of the Lustrum GA, which had a length of 159 minutes.

Finishing realization of a multiday activity – Bart Sanders – 8 hours 52 min.

Finishing a realization of an activity spanning multiple days, counted after the time of dismissing the activity. This record has been set on the 13th of June 2023 by Bart Sanders who was the treasurer of the Small Study Trip Abroad 2023 to Lisbon a.k.a. Fishbon.

Log throwing – Tom Vredenbregt – 10.4 meters over a field

Tom (Bregje) threw a log of about 1.70m long and 12cm in diameter over a distance of 10.4 meters over a field, where the closest point of the log counted. The record has been set on the 17th of September 2022.

Flipping beer coasters – Jeff Schulpen – 40 coasters

Try to flip a stack of coasters from the table with the back of the hand and then catching them immediately after. The criteria is the size of the stack of coasters. The record has been set on the 25th of January 2018 with Deugniet coasters

Most well visisted N-party – AC Acceptable – 369 visitors

The activities committee “Acceptable” sold an impressive number of 276 tickets to the party during the pre-sale. At the door another 93 tickets were bought. With a total of 369 sold tickets, this has been the most well visited N-party ever! The record has been set on the 10th of October 2017.

Most broken bones in a boardyear – Board of Fluïdum – Twice double fracture

During the boardyear of Fluïdum two board members (Kjeld and Jelle) have managed to acquire a double fracture during a Van-der-Waals activity.

First off Kjeld (while being a commitee member) managed to break his collarbone in three pieces by stumbling on the easy blue ski slope.

Not long afterwards Jelle also managed to secure a double fracture. This one was within the jaw, which happened during the HiXi to Strasbourgh.

Most broken collarbones in a committee year – GPA 2020/2021

Within the committee 2 broken collarbones have been counted. Once by Sammie Alolabi due to falling of a mountain bike and the second time by Paul van Kuppevelt while crashing into someone at a hockey training.

Most members present during a GA – Doppler – 72

As many members as possible have to have signed the attendance list with validity to cast a vote. The record is about total attendance during the GA and not concurrent attendance. The record has been set on the 15th of May 2023 during the election GA. There were a huge amount of authorisations during this GA, where 117 votes had to be counted twice.

Solving a 3×3 Rubik’s cube

Solve a 3×3 Rubik’s cube as fast as possible.

NameTime neededDate
Ricardo Loock20.59 seconds27-03-2020
Fe Fan Li16.67 seconds27-03-2020
Arthur Groot Zevert13.33 seconds27-03-2020
Pangeran Tambunan11.47 seconds06-05-2024

Solving a 2×2 Rubik’s cube

Solve a 2×2 Rubik’s cube as fast as possible.

NameTime neededDate
Jesper Levels123.77??
Jesper Levels33.7907-10-2021
Jesper Levels17.7130-11-2022
Vincent Dekkers4.5001-05-2023

BattleCie winners

Academic year 2020-2021

Q4 – Jeu de Boules tournament: First-years weekend
Q3 – The Smartest Committee: Study tour abroad
Q2 – Online Game Night: Small study trip abroad

Solving a 4×4 Rubik’s cube

Solve a 4×4 Rubik’s cube as fast as possible.

NameTime neededDate
Shao Cheng Lin41.7005-10-2022
Shao Cheng Lin39.8015-06-2023