The N! (which is pronounced as N-faculteit—in English this means N-factorial; the Dutch term faculteit means department, which is part of the reason why the name N! was chosen) is the departmental magazine of SVTN “J.D. van der Waals” in collaboration with alumni association VENI and with STOOR, the Student Education Organization of the department Applied Physics. The magazine has four editions per year and on this page all the editions of the N! can be found.

N! 58

N! 57

N! 56

N! 55

N! 54

N! 53

N! 52

N! 51

N! 50

N! 49

N! 48

N! 47

N! 46

N! 45

N! 44

N! 43

N! 42

N! 41

N! 40

N! 39

N! 38

N! 37

N! 36

N! 35

N! 34

N! 33

N! 32

N! 31

N! 30

N! 29

N! 28

N! 27

N! 26

N! 25

N! 24

N! 23

N! 22

N! 21

N! 20

N! 19

N! 18

N! 17

N! 16

N! 15

N! 14

N! 13

N! 12

N! 11

N! 10

N! 9

N! 8

N! 7

N! 6

N! 5

N! 4

N! 3

N! 2

N! 1

N! 0