Symposium De Leidsche Flesch

On of our sister physics associations, ‘De Leidsche Flesch’ from Leiden, is celebrating their 100 year existance with a lustrum symposium. The symposium will have a mathematics track and a physics track. The theme of the symposium is ‘Captivated by Time: How Time Affects All Sciences’.

Some speakers that will be there include astronomer Vincent Icke, professor of Music Cognition Henkjan Honing, and even dr. James Grime, who is famous from the YouTube channel Numberphile. The symposium is free, and it will take place on February 15th 2023 at Scheltema Leiden. The lectures will be between 10:00 and 17:00, and afterwards there will be an optional drink and dinner at the bar of ‘De Leidsche Flesch’.

You can subscribe through this link. More information about the symposium can be found on their Instagram account @symposium_dlf or on their website.